If you run (or are employed by) a small business within the sign and print industry, you are no doubt familiar with CNC machines. These computer-controlled machines can be used to create three-dimensional objects – which is, of course, incredibly useful in an industry tasked with producing quality signage.
Indeed, CNC machines are becoming increasingly popular within this field due to the fact they are incredibly versatile devices – which means they can be used for a wide variety of tasks. Of course, as with any other machine, CNC machines still require regular care and maintenance. This is to ensure they run smoothly – and will save your small business costly repair charges in the future.
The Ins and Outs of CNC Machine Maintenance
In order to keep your small business’ CNC machine running smoothly – and clear of any costly repairs – it is essential you familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of this device’s maintenance regime.
As part of this maintenance regime, you should keep in mind a few key points when you are preparing to perform CNC machine maintenance & light repairs. These key points include ensuring the machine is squeaky clean and free from debris, making sure the CNC machine’s tooling is being properly maintained, and regularly checking the CNC machine’s programming in order to ensure it is the programming you desire for your small business’s particular workflow.
The Importance of CNC Machine Maintenance
For the stability, quality, and rapidity of your small business’s workflow, it is of vital importance you keep up your CNC machine’s maintenance regime on a regular schedule. This is vital for a number of reasons.
Firstly, regular CNC machine maintenance will give you and your co-workers the confidence in knowing your small business’s device is performing at its optimal levels. If there are any issues to be discovered with your machine, this will of course lead to delays or even prevent the machine from functioning altogether. This is to be avoided at all costs.
The second reason for regularly checking up on your CNC machine is to help extend your device’s life. If you keep it clean and lubricated, you can easily avoid major repairs and replacements in the future.
Finally, this type of regular CNC machine maintenance will help to keep your employees safe and your small business’ workflow streamlined and efficient when using the device. If you ensure smooth sailing with your CNC machine – by properly training workers on the operation of said machine – you will avoid any accidents or injuries!
Common Issues with CNC Machines
As a side effect of CNC machines’ precision and ability to produce high-quality parts at a rapid pace, these devices do share common problems. Here is a list of them – and common solutions.
CNC machines often suffer from broken or jammed gears, which are usually caused by debris getting caught in those gears. Again, regular maintenance remains key here.
CNC machines also suffer from worn out parts. If you keep monitoring the condition of those parts, and replace them when they need replacing – you shouldn’t have a problem.
Misaligned axes remain a common issue for CNC machines. Axes can misalign when they haven’t been properly monitored and aren’t aligned in the correct manner for the current task at hand. This sort of misalignment will lead to parts being unable to fit together correctly, or being unable to move as smoothly as they otherwise would be. In order to fix this, simply adjust the axes and check they have been properly aligned for the job you are currently working on.
Preventing Issues with CNC Machines
Obviously, the prevention of issues which may crop up with your small business’ CNC machine is vital to your continued streamlined workflow and success.
As has been summarized above, in order to prevent many of this recurring issues – the most important think to keep in mind is to keep up with your device’s maintenance regime. This way, you’ll be able to keep everything flowing nicely.
For example, you must keep your CNC machine clean! Otherwise, a dirty CNC machine won’t be able to operate as efficiently as it could have, if you had only spent a little time here and there to keep it clean. Regularly clean your machine with either a degreaser or abrasive cleaner, which will remove built-up gunk and dust your device acquires naturally over time.
It is also imperative you keep checking your CNC machine for wear and tear. As said previously, if you by any chance notice wear and tear on your device, you should take it in for servicing as soon as you can. These sorts of worn parts can often cause inaccurate cuts on jobs, which of course leads to wasted time and money for your small business.
Just a few cleanings and checkups for your CNC machine can go a long way to ensuring your sign and print industry small business’ workflows keep flowing.
CNC machine maintenance can often be a tricky subject. However, we hope our brief guide to tips and tricks you and/or the staff of your small business can utilize will be of service in the future. With the help and knowledge you’ve gained here, you will surely be well on your way to creating a well timed and rapid workflow for your sign and print shop when it comes to CNC machines. This way, you can help maintain your machine in good condition, avoiding costly repairs.
If you or someone within your small business seeks further guidance and advisement concerning the proper maintenance of CNC machines – or, if you seek our further advice on other topics revolving around the sign and print industry – you’ve come to the right place. Adendo can provide you individualized training in a conducive environment. Please do not hesitate to reach out! To book an adendo advisor, please visit us our website. We are committed to helping all sign & print professionals.Â